Monday, March 11, 2019

Module Five: The Sacraments Essay

Trace the necessitate of the rejoicing of the ordinance of the ceremony from the former(a) perform with specific reference to how it is understood and far-famed in the Church since the back Vatican Council.Assignment 3. Trace the development of the solemnization of the Sacrament of the sacrament from the beforehand(predicate) church with special reference to how it is understood and celebrated in the Church since the Second Vatican Council. We all(prenominal) have experience of celebration. When I think of a celebration what comes to mind are the outside factors, the cake, candles, and the food. Some condemnations we forget the real meaning of celebration, the story behind the festivity. The celebration of the ordinance of the Eucharist is where we find our story.This essay will outline the development of the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist from the Early Church, paying particular decoct on how the Eucharist is celebrated in the church since the Second V atican Council. Sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church celebrate something, and that something is to do with perfections love and grace, experienced and related to hotshots own story. (CCRS nones). Vatican IIs desire was to restore the sacraments back to the centre of Church life. The soonest celebration of the Eucharist were home Masses (Acts 246 says they stony-broke mark at home) counterbalance with small numbers these untimely Christians were establishing the traditions for the future. There is lead evidence of Christ in the Eucharist. There is clear evidence of his unconditional love. What makes the bread sacred is not magic unless the reality of the words. (Huebsch 1989).For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you The Lord rescuer, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, This is my body, which is for you do this in remembrance of me. In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, This cup i s the new covenant in my blood do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.(Corinthians 1123-30) The bread and wine for the early Christians was much more than a meal, it was a coming together of the companionship of God, each time a reference is made just about the bread or the wine it is a reference to the people of God. For Huebsch the early Christians same(p) us today are accepting the whole community of God when receiving communion, all his people with their strengths and weakness. An grand development for the celebration of the Eucharist was the question from the home Mass of the very early Church to the Eucharist of the larger public buildings. The large basilicas allowed for processions. Sunday became a holiday, giving more time for Christians to celebrate.Liturgies became longer and more elaborate. In these early days, the celebrant at the sacrament of the Eucharist had considerable freedom to compose their own prayers for the Mass. Soon, however, standardi sation set in, as the various communities began to adopt the prayers of their more articulate celebrants. (Kellly1998) In the Fourth century, Constantines toleration of Christianity (313) lead to its rapid spread throughout the Roman Empire. This led to significant changes in the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Latin became the standard language of the liturgy. At first, the assemblies met in basilicas later they built and dedicated churches and the clergy grew in numbers. During this era, they began to wear special clerical clothes. The sacrificial aspect of the Eucharist grew in importance, while the meal symbolism faded into the background (Kelly 1998).This period underlineed Christs divinity this led to the people feeling less worthy to greet the Lord. As a result, there was a decline in the answer of communion. Theologians in the Middle Ages debated the meaning of the real front end of Christ in the Eucharistic bread and wine. They used the term transubstant iation to describe the enigma of the bread and wine being changed into Jesus risen body and blood. The stress was on the sacrificial nature of the mass. There was a growing soul that the laity were spectators to a drama unfolding on the altar. This led to a feeling that the consecration was the high point of the Mass. Emphasis fell, not on receiving Jesus in communion, but on seeing and adoring the Eucharistic Lord. Since fewer laity were receiving communion, a small round wafer (called host) substituted the traditional loaf of bread. (CCRS notes). As so few were receiving Holy Communion, the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) passed a law that take Catholics to receive communion at least once a year. Practices that cogitate on Eucharistic devotion began to appear.These included Elevation of the Hostand goblet at Mass. The priest had his back to the people, he had to hold the host and chalice up high. People would sometimes call out, Hold it higher, priest. Some were so keen on this practice they would run from one church to some other just to be there for the moment of consecration (ODeasss 2013) .The Eucharistic prayer was recited taciturnly by the priest except for the words of consecration which were voiced a itsy-bitsy louder but not so loud as to be perceive by the people because the people couldnt hear the Eucharistic prayer, and even if they could they would not envision the Latin, many filled in the time by reciting the rosary or other devotional prayers during Mass. (ODeasss 2013) The sixteenth century brought about the Protestant Reformation.The Council of Trent (1545-1563) met to correct some of the abuses that had crept into the Church. It also defended some Catholic beliefs attacked by the Reformers. In the area of the Eucharist, the church fathers reaffirmed the real presence of Jesus and the adequateness of the theological term, transubstantiation. They also defended the sacrificial nature of the Mass against the Reformers. Most significant ly, pope Pius V published a Roman Missal (1570) to bring uniformity to the appointed ritual. The Church then used this for the next four hundred years. (CCRS notes) Since the tame of 1570, a lot more was take uped about the Eucharist of the early Church and this enabled Vatican II to restore the liturgy more accurately to the traditions that had been disjointed.Vatican IIs key document the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (1963) led to the renewal of all the Sacraments. Important changes that we take for granted today include the following celebrating the Mass in the vernacular language so we can understand more fully what it means the Liturgy of the tidings has greater importance Guidelines instruct the homilist to develop the homily based on the readings. The Sunday readings revolve around a three-year cycle this emphasis has helped Catholics discover the scriptures. The altar now faces the people, this invites a clearer understanding of what is going on at the Eucharist, a nd it also symbolically opens the Mass to fuller participation by all those present. Todays Mass includes the Prayer of the Faithful, which links the Eucharistic pietism to the whole church, the world, and the suffering in the community. Active congregational participation is an important feature of the post-Vatican II liturgy.Before, we commonly spoke of attending Mass. Today, we emphasise, celebrating the Eucharist. TheMass is not a private affair. It is public worship in which the community, led by the priest, joins in thanking, praising, and adoring God together. The laity assumes many ministerial roles today, for example, as readers, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, greeters, and gift bearers. Vatican II wished to make the Eucharist a celebration of the entire community. Many of the reforms help us better understand the symbolism and meaning of the mass. They also help us gather together as a worshipping community. (Kelly 1998). Pope John Paul 11 mentioned this snappy co nnection when he stated the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist.The council did get ahead changes in the liturgy. However, many people have misinterpreted this message and have stack played the importance of the Eucharist in the Church and in our individual(prenominal) lives. Some members of the Church will claim that this council stated that the Eucharist is solely a symbol, thus denying the Real Presence. On the contrary, almost every Vatican II document speaks of the Real Presence, and implies that we need to increase our devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Really sharing in the body of the Lord in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, we are taken up into communion with him and with one another. (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) 1963)This essay has traced the development and celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist from the early Christian Church and has demonstrated that the focus at this time was sharing, participat ing, celebrating and making a personal connection with God. It has also explained that since the organisation and development of the early Catholic Church, the real meaning of the Eucharist was lost and people no longer felt connected to the sacraments. They were observers in the church rather than taking an active role. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church essay to involve the people and encourage them to experience Jesus real presence through the sacrament.In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our belief. Our way of persuasion is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms our way of thinking. (1327 Catechism) The celebration of the Eucharist is a call, a call of the risen Christ who continues to give himself to us business us to his banquet, through this celebration we can participate in our faith more richly. As Pope Benedictexplained so passionately I encourage you all to discover ever more fully in the sacrament of Christs sacr ificial love (Paclva 2013).BibliographyCatholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Geoffrey Chapman.1994. CCRS notesDogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) 1963Good News Bible, Second edition 1994The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium) 1963 ODeasss,F http// Eucharist the basic spiritually, 2013 Huebsch, B Rethinking the sacraments, London, 1989Pacliva, M The Eucharist A Bible study for Catholics, USA, 2013 Kelly, L Sacraments Revisited, What do they mean today, 1998

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