Saturday, February 16, 2019

My Experiences as a Learner :: Personal Narrative Learning Education Papers

My Experiences as a student I was in first grade and her name was Sister carol Anne. She even spelled Anne the same way I spelled my middle name Anne which make her better. She was amazing she had this way of always making every(prenominal)one in the class know equal. We never knew who received the high grades and who received the low grades. We all were running(a) as hard as we could she would say and that was all that mattered. Sister chirrup also had ways of showing us how to help each early(a) out. If a few students didnt get it then the students who did understand would teach the separate students. Looking back Im skeptical because that might unintentionally separate the students into talented and stupid groups. However, I rally that at some point or another everyone in that class needed help and everyone was able to teach. She exemplified for us that teaching is more helping and guiding instead of ruling and ordering. I think after that class was when I decided I want ed to be a teacher. It wavered on and off throughout my education only if it started there in the first grade.The next significant grades I suppose were third grade and fourth grade for the teaching style and the coachroom atmosphere respectively. In third grade my teacher was Sister Edwardine (in mooring there is still any confusion I went to Catholic school my entire life.) I remember her specifically because she taught with stuffed animals. We were taught to respect nature and every organism around us, because we are all equal, by using these animals. Everyday, if we behaved, a few students in the class were given an animal to care for and we had to continue it as if it were a real creature. We didnt get to learn our animal however, and I see now how profound her rationale was. She said we didnt get to choose our animals because in life we dont get to choose who is around us in our community and who isnt. She was teaching us that we arent always going to have the cleverne ss to chose who and what surrounds us but we must respect them all for their differences. I remember specifically the day she bought us two new animals. They were a manful and female skunk. And when the students gathered to name them a few students starting gibelike and calling them insulting names.

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